About Boards and Management


Governance of the CDB group is divided between the Boards of CDB AG. There is a clearly defined division of responsibilities between the two Boards.

The CDB PLC. and CDB Bank AG Boards are essentially composed of members drawn from a cross-section of firms that use CDB's services. This allows users’ interests and sensitivities to influence the decision-making process at CDB AG.

Within this framework, each operating entity has created a Board which sets its own strategic and operational objectives, which must be consistent with those set by the parent company.

Board Committees

In order for the Boards to fulfil their responsibilities efficiently, they have established committees with different expertise and powers


A management team has been established within CDB AG and each of its operating entities in accordance with local applicable regulatory requirements.

Each management team has been entrusted with the management of the business of its respective entity within the strategy and policies set by its respective Board.